1. 基本原理
1.1 BA介绍
这些东西归根结底就是Gauss“发明”的least squares method(最小二乘法)。当年天文学家Piazzi整天闲得没事看星星,在1801年1月1号早上发现了一个从来没观测到的星星,再接下来的42天里做了19次观测之后这个星星就消失了。当时的天文学家为了确定这玩意到底是什么绞尽了脑汁,这时候Gauss出现了,(最初)只用了3个观察数据,就用least squares算出了这个小行星的轨道,接下来天文学家根据Gauss的预测,也重新发现了这个小行星(虽然有小小的偏差),并将其命名为Ceres,也就是谷神星。Google的ceres-solver就是根据这个来命名的。
1.2 BA建模
相机投影模型如下,其中:$s_i$为比例参数;$K$为内参矩阵(形式如式2);$\exp \left(\boldsymbol{\xi}^{\wedge}\right)$为李代数表示的外参,$\xi$是一个1×6的向量(为什么不直接用一个4×4的矩阵直接表示外参呢?)
1 2 3 4
| 给定初始值 x0。 对于第 k 次迭代,求出当前的雅可比矩阵 J(x_k) 和误差 f(x_k)。 求解增量方程: H∆x_k = g。 若 ∆x_k 足够小,则停止。否则,令 x_{k+1} = x_k + ∆x_k,返回第 2 步。
这里的 $J$ 的形式是值得讨论的,甚至可以说是关键所在。
另一方面,除了优化位姿,我们还希望优化特征点的空间位置。因此,需要讨论 e 关于空间点
P 的导数。所幸这个导数矩阵相对来说容易一些。仍利用链式法则,有:
2. 非线性最小二乘与因子图之间的联系
Dellaert, F.和 Kaess, M的论文Square Root SAM中揭示了因子图与非线性最小二乘之间紧密的联系。因子图是一个概率图形模型,它表示所有因子的联合概率分布
3. 代码实践(使用ceres)
1 2 3 4 5
| P = R * X + t(从世界坐标转换为相机坐标)
p = -P / P.z(归一化除法)
p'= f * r(p)* p(转换为像素坐标)
| r(p) = 1.0 + k1 * ||p||^2 + k2 * ||p||^4.
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| #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <iostream>
#include "ceres/ceres.h" #include "ceres/rotation.h"
class BALProblem { public: ~BALProblem() { delete[] point_index_; delete[] camera_index_; delete[] observations_; delete[] parameters_; }
int num_observations() const { return num_observations_; } const double* observations() const { return observations_; } double* mutable_cameras() { return parameters_; } double* mutable_points() { return parameters_ + 9 * num_cameras_; }
double* mutable_camera_for_observation(int i) { return mutable_cameras() + camera_index_[i] * 9; }
double* mutable_point_for_observation(int i) { return mutable_points() + point_index_[i] * 3; }
bool LoadFile(const char* filename) { FILE* fptr = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fptr == nullptr) { return false; };
FscanfOrDie(fptr, "%d", &num_cameras_); FscanfOrDie(fptr, "%d", &num_points_); FscanfOrDie(fptr, "%d", &num_observations_);
point_index_ = new int[num_observations_]; camera_index_ = new int[num_observations_]; observations_ = new double[2 * num_observations_];
num_parameters_ = 9 * num_cameras_ + 3 * num_points_; parameters_ = new double[num_parameters_];
for (int i = 0; i < num_observations_; ++i) { FscanfOrDie(fptr, "%d", camera_index_ + i); FscanfOrDie(fptr, "%d", point_index_ + i); for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { FscanfOrDie(fptr, "%lf", observations_ + 2*i + j); } }
for (int i = 0; i < num_parameters_; ++i) { FscanfOrDie(fptr, "%lf", parameters_ + i); } return true; }
template<typename T> void FscanfOrDie(FILE *fptr, const char *format, T *value) { int num_scanned = fscanf(fptr, format, value); if (num_scanned != 1) { LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid UW data file."; } }
int num_cameras_; int num_points_; int num_observations_; int num_parameters_;
int* point_index_; int* camera_index_; double* observations_; double* parameters_; };
struct SnavelyReprojectionError { SnavelyReprojectionError(double observed_x, double observed_y) : observed_x(observed_x), observed_y(observed_y) {}
template <typename T> bool operator()(const T* const camera, const T* const point, T* residuals) const { T p[3]; ceres::AngleAxisRotatePoint(camera, point, p);
p[0] += camera[3]; p[1] += camera[4]; p[2] += camera[5];
T xp = - p[0] / p[2]; T yp = - p[1] / p[2];
const T& l1 = camera[7]; const T& l2 = camera[8]; T r2 = xp*xp + yp*yp; T distortion = 1.0 + r2 * (l1 + l2 * r2);
const T& focal = camera[6]; T predicted_x = focal * distortion * xp; T predicted_y = focal * distortion * yp;
residuals[0] = predicted_x - observed_x; residuals[1] = predicted_y - observed_y;
return true; }
static ceres::CostFunction* Create(const double observed_x, const double observed_y) { return (new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<SnavelyReprojectionError, 2, 9, 3>( new SnavelyReprojectionError(observed_x, observed_y))); }
double observed_x; double observed_y; };
int main(int argc, char** argv) { google::InitGoogleLogging(argv[0]); if (argc != 2) { std::cerr << "usage: simple_bundle_adjuster <bal_problem>\n"; return 1; }
BALProblem bal_problem{}; if (!bal_problem.LoadFile(argv[1])) { std::cerr << "ERROR: unable to open file " << argv[1] << "\n"; return 1; }
const double* observations = bal_problem.observations();
ceres::Problem problem; for (int i = 0; i < bal_problem.num_observations(); ++i) { ceres::CostFunction* cost_function = SnavelyReprojectionError::Create(observations[2 * i + 0], observations[2 * i + 1]); problem.AddResidualBlock(cost_function, nullptr , bal_problem.mutable_camera_for_observation(i), bal_problem.mutable_point_for_observation(i)); }
ceres::Solver::Options options; options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_SCHUR; options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true;
ceres::Solver::Summary summary; ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary); std::cout << summary.FullReport() << "\n"; return 0; }
数据集:BAL数据集,来源于 Building Rome in a Day项目。使用到的数据中包含16台相机拍摄到的22106特征点
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
| 数据集部分数据,其按下面格式排列 <num_cameras> <num_points> <num_observations> <camera_index_1> <point_index_1> <x_1> <y_1>
16 22106 83718 0 0 -3.859900e+02 3.871200e+02 1 0 -3.844000e+01 4.921200e+02 2 0 -6.679200e+02 1.231100e+02 7 0 -5.991800e+02 4.079300e+02 12 0 -7.204300e+02 3.143400e+02 13 0 -1.151300e+02 5.548999e+01 0 1 3.838800e+02 -1.529999e+01 1 1 5.597500e+02 -1.061500e+02 10 1 3.531899e+02 1.649500e+02 0 2 5.915500e+02 1.364400e+02 1 2 8.638600e+02 -2.346997e+01 2 2 4.947200e+02 1.125200e+02 6 2 4.087800e+02 2.846700e+02 7 2 4.246100e+02 3.101700e+02 9 2 2.848900e+02 1.928900e+02 10 2 5.826200e+02 3.637200e+02 12 2 4.940601e+02 2.939500e+02 13 2 7.968300e+02 -7.853003e+01 15 2 7.798900e+02 4.082500e+02
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
| iter cost cost_change |gradient| |step| tr_ratio tr_radius ls_iter iter_time total_time 0 4.185660e+06 0.00e+00 1.09e+08 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 1.00e+04 0 7.20e+00 7.90e+00 ......
6 1.803390e+04 9.02e-02 6.35e+01 8.00e-01 1.00e+00 2.50e+06 1 3.28e+01 2.03e+02(约合3.4min)
Original Reduced Parameter blocks 22122 22122 Parameters 66462 66462 Residual blocks 83718 83718 Residuals 167436 167436
Dense linear algebra library EIGEN Trust region strategy LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT
Given Used Linear solver DENSE_SCHUR DENSE_SCHUR Threads 1 1 Linear solver ordering AUTOMATIC 22106,16 Schur structure 2,3,9 2,3,9
Cost: Initial 4.185660e+06 Final 1.803390e+04 Change 4.167626e+06
Minimizer iterations 7 Successful steps 7 Unsuccessful steps 0
Time (in seconds): Preprocessor 0.700777
Residual only evaluation 0.667742 (7) Jacobian & residual evaluation 39.360399 (7) Linear solver 183.064203 (7) Minimizer 229.831484
Postprocessor 0.014315 Total 230.546577
Termination: CONVERGENCE (Function tolerance reached. |cost_change|/cost: 1.769759e-09 <= 1.000000e-06)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
| iter cost cost_change |gradient| |step| tr_ratio tr_radius ls_iter iter_time total_time 0 4.185660e+06 0.00e+00 1.09e+08 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 1.00e+04 0 6.34e+00 6.86e+00 ......
6 1.803390e+04 9.02e-02 6.35e+01 8.00e-01 1.00e+00 2.50e+06 1 3.30e+01 2.05e+02(约合3.4min)
Original Reduced Parameter blocks 22122 22122 Parameters 66462 66462 Residual blocks 83718 83718 Residuals 167436 167436
Sparse linear algebra library SUITE_SPARSE Trust region strategy LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT
Given Used Linear solver SPARSE_SCHUR SPARSE_SCHUR Threads 1 1 Linear solver ordering AUTOMATIC 22106,16 Schur structure 2,3,9 2,3,9
Cost: Initial 4.185660e+06 Final 1.803390e+04 Change 4.167626e+06
Minimizer iterations 7 Successful steps 7 Unsuccessful steps 0
Time (in seconds): Preprocessor 0.524276
Residual only evaluation 0.655267 (7) Jacobian & residual evaluation 38.889743 (7) Linear solver 185.728749 (7) Minimizer 231.991205
Postprocessor 0.010115 Total 232.525597
Termination: CONVERGENCE (Function tolerance reached. |cost_change|/cost: 1.769757e-09 <= 1.000000e-06)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
| iter cost cost_change |gradient| |step| tr_ratio tr_radius ls_iter iter_time total_time 0 4.185660e+06 0.00e+00 1.09e+08 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 1.00e+04 0 6.46e+00 6.63e+00 ......
6 1.803390e+04 9.02e-02 6.35e+01 8.00e-01 1.00e+00 2.50e+06 1 6.63e+00 4.68e+01(约合0.8min)
Original Reduced Parameter blocks 22122 22122 Parameters 66462 66462 Residual blocks 83718 83718 Residuals 167436 167436
Sparse linear algebra library SUITE_SPARSE Trust region strategy LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT
Given Used Linear solver SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY Threads 1 1 Linear solver ordering AUTOMATIC 22122
Cost: Initial 4.185660e+06 Final 1.803390e+04 Change 4.167626e+06
Minimizer iterations 7 Successful steps 7 Unsuccessful steps 0
Time (in seconds): Preprocessor 0.173184
Residual only evaluation 0.591482 (7) Jacobian & residual evaluation 38.593874 (7) Linear solver 1.753153 (7) Minimizer 47.594235
Postprocessor 0.009093 Total 47.776512
Termination: CONVERGENCE (Function tolerance reached. |cost_change|/cost: 1.769774e-09 <= 1.000000e-06)
| terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'